About RE and Collective Worship at St.Mary's

Vision and Values

About RE and Collective Worship at St.Mary's
Religious Education 
As a Church School, RE is a priority of our school. It is considered a core subject so the teaching and learning of RE and standards achieved are closely monitored. Religious Education at St Mary's is based on the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus where Christianity is studied for more than 50% of the time. In Key Stage One the children also learn about Judaism and Islam. At Key Stage Two this is extended to Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. For a detailed breakdown of what is covered in each class please go to the Curriculum tab and click on the Religious Education page.
Collective Worship
Collective Worship is an integral part of our school day. It is held every morning and sets the tone for the whole day. It is fully inclusive, invitational and inspiring. Collective Worship each term at St Mary's explores a particular Christian value. The current value that is being explored is Service. You can explore this value even further with your child at home by downloading the attached leaflet at the bottom of this page.
We are delighted to invite visitors into our school to help us to lead collective worship every Wednesday. We regularly welcome Pastor Stobbs from Penzance Baptist Church, Dan Rubens from Discovery Church and Rev Ralph Ward from Chapel Street Methodist Church into our school. Our children at St Mary's are often in St Mary's Church as part of their RE lessons or representing the school in local services and on the internet. Our strong links with Penlee Cluster also enable our children to attend Holiday Club provision and sessions at soft play in St John's Church.
If there are any questions about the RE and Collective Worship provision at St Mary's please contact head@st-marys-ce-pz.cornwall.sch.uk or nbonell@st-marys-ce-pz.cornwall.sch.uk