
Science Intent
At St Mary’s C of E Primary it is our intention that Science should develop a child’s understanding of nature and processes, whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge enabling them to think scientifically and encouraging a curiosity about the world around them.
Our whole school vision of “together we can make a difference” is at the heart of our Science provision. At St Mary’s we value the world around us and believe we should provide the children with the skills to nurture and make our world a better place. Appropriate links are made to the wider world, providing context to learning, where the children can consider how they can make a difference to the environment and our unique location by the sea. Every lesson is taught with the ‘spiral’ topic-based curriculum in mind, building on prior knowledge and skills. Each topic within the curriculum then further develops: knowledge, subject specific vocabulary and enquiry skills. Providing opportunities and challenge for every learner is essential in Science, promoting ambition for all and allowing for all children to achieve their potential. Within lessons teachers look for opportunities to broaden enquiry skills to provide the children with new learning experiences, so that they can develop a sense of curiosity, encouraging them to ask questions and to become independent learners in exploring possible answers for their scientific based questions. Curiosity and excitement are essential in Science, this is achieved through carefully planned enquiries, the use of equipment and questions. The children develop a range of scientific vocabulary to help them to effectively communicate their ideas, questions and findings.